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sessions Agenda 

Workshop sessions are divided into three introductory sessions, that deal with trust at a general level of abstraction; And of three sessions that will focus on specific institutional contexts. Workshop schedules and agenda:

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introductory sessions

Session No. 1

Trust: A conceptual view

2.8.2021, 16:30-17:15, Zoom




Mr. Yohanan (Johan) Plesner, President, The Israel Democracy Institute

Dr. Alexander Brakel,  Head of the KAS office in Israel


Discussion overtures 


Prof. Moshe Halbertal, The Faculty of Humanities, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Chair, Committee on Balancing Needs and Values in Times of National Crisis, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities


Prof. Daniel Attas, Department of Philosophy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Prof.  David Levi Faur,  Department of Political Science and School of Public Policy, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Some Suggested Readings 


Tom Tyler, Trust in the Twenty-First Century, In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust (2016)


Russell Hardin, Trust and Trustworthiness (2002), Chapter 1


Daniel Attas, Terms of Trust, Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy 2:209-233 (2016)


Levi Faur, D. et al, Report on trust in government, politics, policy and regulatory governance (Deliverable D1.1, 2020), pg. 1-40.


Session No. 2

Trust: methodology, measurement

16.8.2021, 16:30-17:15, Zoom


Discussion overtures 



Some Suggested Readings 


Eric Uslaner, The Study of Trust, The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust (2018) 


Joseph A. Hamm, Jooho Lee, Rick Trinkner, Twila Wingrove, Steve Leben, Christina Breuer, On the Cross-Domain Scholarship of Trust in the Institutional Context, In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Trust (2016)


Jack Citrin and Laura Stoker, Political Trust in a Cynical Age, 24 Annual Review of Political Science 49 (2018) 


Levi Faur, D. et al, Report on trust in government, politics, policy and regulatory governance (Deliverable D1.2, 2020).

Session No. 3

Trust and Political Institutions

In collaboration with the Institute's Political Reform Program

2.9.2021, 16:30-17:15, Zoom

Session No. 4

The Psychology of Trust in a polarized society

12.10.2021, 16:30-17:15, Zoom

Session No. 5

Plenary session at the Yaron Ezrahi Conference on Democracy

28.10.2021, 16:30-17:15, Zoom

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