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Academic Positions

Head, The Program for Democratic Values and Institutions                        2021-Present

The Israel Democracy Institute

Editor: "On Constitutionalism" paper Series


Postdoctoral Fellow                                                                                         2021- Present

New York University School of Law


Postdoctoral Fellow

The Department of Political Science, The Hebrew University                      2021- Present


LL.D, Hebrew University of Jerusalem                                                        2015-2021

Dissertation: Informal Constitutional Change after the Constitutional Revolution (Supervisor: Prof. Yoav Dotan)

Tutor in Administrative Law 


Visiting Doctoral Researcher                                                                       2016-2017

New York University School of Law

Paper Presentation at the JSD Forum, 2017

Co-Founder, ICON-S-IL-BLOG


LL.M, Hebrew University of Jerusalem                                                       2012-2014

Thesis: Constitutional Showdowns: Judicial Review on Social-Economic Rights in Israel's Supreme Court 2002-2012'

(Supervisor: Prof. Yoav Dotan; Reader: Prof. Barak Medina)


LL.B, Hebrew University of Jerusalem                                                       2004-2007

MISHPATIM (Hebrew University Law Review)

supplementary course of study at the Jewish Philosophy Department



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