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Throughout his doctoral studies and his membership at the Israel Democracy Institute, Nadiv has published a number of peer-reviewed articles, mostly with friends and professional partners, already with an impact on Israeli legal literature and Supreme Court Jurisprudence. Nadiv has also taken part in a number of academic citizenship-leadership initiatives:

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Selected Scholarly Impact

COVID-19 – The constitutional Challenges (2020)


A Jewish and (Declining) Democratic State? Constitutional Retrogression in Israel (2018)


Access to Justice 2.0: Access to Legislation and Beyond (2016)


Towards a Cumulative Effect Doctrine: Aggregation in Constitutional Judicial Review (2014)


Costs Orders against Public Interest Litigants in the Israeli High Court of Justice (2013)

Selected Academic Citizenship

IDI Trust in Institutions Interdisciplinary Workshop (2021)


Founding The ICON-S-IL Blog (2017)


The IIAS-ZIF Intercontinental Academia on Human Dignity (2015)  

Selected Op-eds and Media

IDI Trust in Institutions Interdisciplinary Workshop (2021)


Founding The ICON-S-IL Blog (2017)


The IIAS-ZIF Intercontinental Academia on Human Dignity (2015)  

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